"You are the experts in your field, we are the experts in our field. The moment everyone is aware of this, the best cooperation can emerge."
Kaja Fuchs
Junior Product Owner


How we work


The first thing we do is to listen and understand. As a digital agency, we’re experienced in asking the right questions to the right people.


Scoping workshop

Once you’re considering working with us, we'll schedule a scoping workshop and dive deeper into your business processes and goals. This workshop is designed to be very focused so we can provide value quickly. Together with you, we identify your specific challenges.


Stakeholder interviews

Input from stakeholders is important to ensure that the product aligns with their business expectations and vision. Because smart decisions can only be made with the relevant information.


User interviews

Put your users in the center! To do so, you have to understand who your users are. One of the biggest mistakes is to design over the heads of the users without understanding their needs.


Competitor analysis

Discovery is about you and your users, but also about your competitors. We take a closer look at your competition, do an analysis of market conditions and identify market gaps for unfolding your full potential.


Design thinking

With individually curated workshops, you’ll have a framework for unlocking your creativity. This helps you to break up rusty thought patterns and come up with new ideas. The goal is to induce change and to implement innovation from an early phase on.

We understand design as an iterative process in which you as a client are involved throughout. Our UX designers focus on user needs via a variety of research and design techniques.


Flow design

We believe in a user-centered design approach that focuses on creating seamless, intuitive and efficient user experiences. We design flows in a way that guides users with minimal friction, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable user journey.



Constructing LoFi or HiFi wireframes serves as a blueprint to outline the structure, content, and functionality of a digital product. They are a great tool to communicate the layout, user flow, and functionality to stakeholders and eventually developers.


Design system

Good design relies on a collection of guidelines, rules, components, and assets. A comprehensive design system serves as a centralized resource to ensure consistency in UX design.


User testing

For a truly user-friendly experience, it’s essential to not only ask users what they need but evaluate the product by testing. This allows for making data-driven decisions and implementing features that matter.

We create digital solutions according to the Scrum framework. Your advantage: transparent processes, flexible roadmap according to current needs, constant dialogue, and a short time-to-market.


Backlog building

A well-managed backlog is a valuable tool in agile development, especially when creating an MVP. It promotes transparency, flexibility, prioritization, focus and effective planning, leading to better outcomes.



Before each sprint, the product owner reviews the backlog and – together with you – prioritizes tasks. The most important ones that deliver the greatest value for the end user are done first.



We’re still there for you, also after your product is launched. Market conditions might change. Besides monitoring and securing, we’re always ready to implement feedback.

High expectations? We’re in!

We regard crafting exceptional digital products as an art. That’s why we bring a creative approach to every project we undertake. Driven by a can-do mindset and backed by the agile methodology, we always aim to go beyond the expected.


Ready for the 1st step?

I’m curious to hear about your challenges, goals, and ideas!

Or contact me directly:

Discover our services – from the first market analysis to design and development.