What we do

Digital product development

We see ourselves as a development powerhouse. Our services range from initial market analysis to continuous improvement.


You decide – we consult and develop

As a third-party consultant, we help you thrive by bringing a fresh overview and a visionary expert perspective. We provide you with all the information you need to make strategic decisions. Then we develop your product!

Global mindset, Swiss roots

Mindnow was founded in Zurich and we celebrate our Swiss mentality. But we are also proud of our international team, which has long since expanded to include several locations outside of Switzerland. What unites us all: work ethic, precision and excellence. We believe in meticulous attention to detail, strict quality standards and a focus on customer satisfaction.

With our global mindset and a Swiss way of working, we turn your digital ambitions into reality!


One-of-a-kind agile contract

We don’t charge per hour. Instead, we offer everything before the development phase as packages, perfectly adapted to your specific needs. The agile development of your product itself is invoiced sprint per sprint, giving you full flexibility.


Depending on the complexity, projects need more or less research and design efforts before the development can start. We create tailor-made packages for you and guarantee to deliver the results of the package for the agreed price.


Simple discovery package

Talk to us. We analyze your needs and business goals to create a budget and timeline. Then we head straight to the execution step. Smaller projects may be as simple as that.


User research package

Understanding you is essential. But it's just as important to understand the needs and expectations of your users. We can find out by conducting user research, for example, by interviewing your (potential) clients.


Prototyping package

For more complex projects, asking users what they need is not enough. You have to create prototypes of your product and test them. The insights you get from letting users test your product go far beyond asking users what they like. Design iterations before the actual development make your product the most user-friendly and therefore business-effective. Another advantage of prototyping is that you get a clear understanding of your product’s look and feel before the first sprint starts.

Agile pricing

When the UX design is done and we know exactly what to develop, we start developing. We work in sprints, which means specific periods, usually 2–4 weeks. The bigger the project team, the more we can deliver after each sprint (=velocity). In turn, the more the sprint costs. Invoicing is done per sprint. We guarantee to deliver the agreed velocity to the agreed price.
Every sprint leads to a shippable product that you can release to the market if you want. You stay fully flexible and can terminate your agile contract anytime within 2 sprints.


How may we help you?

Tell us your idea. The more we know, the more precisely we can make you an offer. You will receive all the price information you need.
Johannes Lijsen
See some real-world examples of how we put our services offering into practice.