Put the users in the center when designing experiences

At Mindnow, we believe that exceptional user experiences are the heartbeat of digital success. UX design is more than crafting interfaces. It's about understanding your users, solving their challenges, and creating journeys that resonate.

UX design

Focussing on the problem to be solved, we create designs that are in line with the needs of your target audience.

UX design – so much more than aesthetics

UX design is about providing users with an optimal experience when interacting with a digital product. This goes far beyond visual aspects. It’s about focusing on understanding user behaviors, preferences, and emotions to craft functionally exceptional solutions.

User Experience (UX) design is the systematic process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability and accessibility provided in the interaction between users and a product. It considers every touchpoint and aspect of user engagement to seamlessly align experiences with the needs and expectations of the audience.

How to create optimal UX design

At Mindnow, we're passionate about creating digital products that speak directly to your audience's needs. Our process revolves around 3 fundamental questions:

  • What problem are we solving?

  • Who is facing this problem?

  • What are we trying to achieve?

This is an iterative process in which our designers focus on our client and their needs in each phase of the design process. As our partner, you’re involved throughout the design process via a variety of research and design techniques, to create highly usable and accessible products for your target audience.

These are some essential steps of UX design you can expect when working with us:


Kick-off meeting

Let’s get to know each other and work out all the important information. A kick-off meeting marks the beginning of a project. During this meeting, the project scope, goals, deliverables, timelines, and roles and responsibilities are discussed and clarified. Additionally, the kick-off meeting provides an opportunity to address any initial questions or concerns, define communication channels, and establish a framework for a successful collaboration.


Discovery phase

The discovery phase is an essential stage in our design team's project lifecycle, where we delve into comprehending the problem space, user needs, and project goals before advancing to design and development. Utilizing techniques like empathy maps, we gain insights into user thoughts and emotions, identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement. How Might We (HMW) statements encourage innovative thinking by reframing problems as opportunities, while user stories articulate the needs and requirements of different user personas. These tools foster collaboration, creativity, and user-centric decision-making, ultimately culminating in the creation of meaningful user experiences.


Information Architecture

At its core, Information Architecture (IA) ensures that users can easily find and access the information they need. This involves defining the hierarchy and organization of content, determining how information is grouped and categorized, and designing navigation systems that guide users through the information space. By implementing effective IA in your project, you can greatly enhance the usability, accessibility, and overall user experience of your digital product.



Wireframing is the initial stage of designing digital interfaces, involving the creation of simplified, skeletal layouts without detailed visual elements. It outlines the structure and functionality of a webpage or application, focusing on key components and user interactions. Wireframes serve as blueprints for the final design, enabling designers to experiment with layout options, prioritize content, and gather feedback early in the design process. They facilitate communication among team members and stakeholders, helping to define project requirements and make informed design decisions. 



Prototyping is the process of creating preliminary versions or models of a product or system to test functionality, validate assumptions, and gather feedback. By simulating the intended user experience, prototyping enables us to identify potential issues, validate design decisions, and refine solutions before committing significant resources to full-scale development. Ultimately, prototyping plays a crucial role in mitigating risks, enhancing user satisfaction, and ensuring the successful delivery of a high-quality product or system.

Section by Patti Habarta

Head and VP of Design

Innovating with purpose

In the dynamic world of digital design, the term User Experience has become a crucial concept. Yet, its roots can be traced back to a time when discussions centered on usability, accessibility, and responsiveness, spurred by the rise of new technologies and evolving user needs. Looking back on my journey, I began in 2012 as a Digital Art Director at an Italian creative agency. While UX wasn't widely recognized at the time, my passion for solving problems and connecting with people naturally led me to dive deeper into this field, ultimately making it my main specialization.

From foundation to final touches

For me, UX is like a puzzle made up of design, psychology, research, marketing, logic, information architecture, and, without hiding it, a good dose of fun that conveys passion for what we do.

Picture this: you're building a house. Before you start picking out furniture and paint colors, you need a solid foundation and a clear blueprint. Similarly, in UX design, we lay the groundwork by understanding users' needs and behaviors. It's not just about making things pretty, it's about crafting experiences that feel intuitive and effortless, it's about how people feel and interact with it.

When asked to briefly define my work, I often describe it as “humanizing technology”. At the end of the day, when my partner asks me, “What problems did you solve today?”, it reinforces in me the idea that the journey to becoming a UX master is shaped by the problems we tackle and the insights we gain. In my view, a good UX Designer embodies qualities such as keen observation, empathy, open-mindedness, creativity, and critical thinking. Mastering UX design goes beyond acquiring knowledge. It's about embracing experiences, curiosity, and constant growth. That’s why, at Mindnow, we're dedicated to building a diverse design team with expertise across different fields, ensuring a wealth of perspectives. 

Ask the right questions

In UX, the equivalent of the most dangerous phrase in business, “We have always done it this way”, would be “We already know what our users want”. Drawing from my background in philosophy, I've learned to value questions as much as – if not more than – answers. This mindset shift has been instrumental in my approach to UX design.

“How are we positively impacting the lives of our users?” – this question guides us from MVP inception and beyond. The value proposition is not merely a laundry list of functionalities. It's a promise of transformation, a commitment to enhancing the lives of our users. By prioritizing this proposition from the outset, we ensure that every feature, every interaction, is purposefully crafted to resonate deeply with our users' needs and desires.

The power of prototyping and testing

Once, a colleague shared an insightful analogy with me: Making a change during prototyping costs only 10, while the same change during development costs 100, and after release, it jumps to 1000. This concept illustrates the crucial importance of prototyping in UX design.

Prototyping is a true superpower in UX design because it allows the testing of ideas and identifying problems with minimal impact. Even in the absence of sophisticated tools, prototyping can be done using paper or creating very basic designs.

Have you ever found yourself thinking you don't have enough budget to test an idea or that the process is too complex for your project? According to NN Group, the best results come from testing with no more than 5 users and running numerous small-scale tests, as many as you can afford. The key takeaway here is that zero users provide zero insights. In short, prototyping stands out as an indispensable asset in UX design, offering a cost-effective avenue for refining ideas and minimizing risks.

The Mindnow approach

At Mindnow, we foster a vibrant culture of innovation, believing that true creativity comes from curiosity, exploration, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. Every idea is welcomed, and every challenge is seen as an opportunity for growth. Our commitment to innovation is further strengthened by our strategic integration of AI, which enhances rather than replaces the essential human element in our design process.

Moreover, we extend beyond conventional user-centric approaches, embracing a holistic perspective that encompasses stakeholders, business objectives, and broader impacts. Our aim is to craft experiences that not only flow smoothly but also drive transformation.

It's often said that good UX goes unnoticed, however, I'd like to rephrase this notion. While seamless experiences suffice for commendable work, true excellence lies in creating memorable interactions. We aspire to spark conversations, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting imprint on the hearts and minds of our users. This commitment to excellence is the driving force behind everything we do at Mindnow.

Section by Patti Habarta

Head and VP of Design

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