How to unite people, innovation, and technology for successful digitization

The journey towards successful digitization is about more than just adopting the latest tech trends. It's about placing people at the center, having an innovative mindset and work culture, and leveraging technology as a tool.

How to unite people, innovation, and technology for successful digitization

Article by


Jakob Kaya

4 min read22 Apr 2024

Put the people at the center

When you think about digitization, what comes to your mind at first? Many would say automating processes and cutting costs. That’s certainly an important part of it as technology evolves rapidly. However, technology should not be the center of your digitization efforts but people.

That’s particularly true in digital product development which is about enhancing human experiences. Only by understanding and empathizing with the needs of users, you can create digital solutions that truly resonate and add value.

Digitalization is the transformation of information, processes, and business models into digital form to increase efficiency, promote innovation, and create new value.

Look at innovation as a continuous process

Driving meaningful change is not a one-time event. Successful digitization requires a mindset that embraces innovation as a continuous process. It’s about constantly challenging the status quo, thinking outside the box, and daring to explore new possibilities.

For organizations that aim to stay ahead of the curve, this means you need to foster a work culture where creativity is encouraged, failures are seen as learning opportunities, and diverse perspectives are valued.

Use technology as an integrated tool

Technology serves as the enabler of digital transformation. From Artificial Intelligence and cloud computing to the Internet of Things and blockchain, the possibilities are endless. However, technology alone is not the panacea. What truly matters to be successful depends on how organizations leverage these tools to realize and scale innovations. To unlock new levels of competitiveness, you need to seamlessly integrate technology into your existing processes.

If you’re interested in cutting-edge technology trends, read one of my articles about Artificial Intelligence, Mixed Reality, headless e-commerce technology, or the Tesla app store. Or get in touch with me directly!

The intersection of people, innovation, and technology

Successful digitization occurs at the intersection of people, innovation, and technology. It's where human needs are met with innovative solutions enabled by technology. Organizations that prioritize this intersection are better positioned to drive sustainable growth and create lasting impact. This requires a holistic approach that considers not only the technological aspects but also the human and organizational factors at play.

Image Source: Mindnow

Culture and leadership

When we say people at the center, we also need to address culture and leadership. An open and collaborative work culture fosters creativity, encourages experimentation, and empowers employees to embrace change. Leadership sets the tone by championing digital initiatives, providing resources and support, and leading by example. Nurturing a culture of innovation and empowerment is crucial in navigating the complexities of successful digital transformation.

If you’re curious about Mindnow’s work culture, check out my article Why trust is the foundation of success.

The broader scope of Artificial Intelligence

Successful organizations prioritize the intersection of people, innovation, and technology. You got that. But where does AI fit in here?

AI is often seen at the forefront of technological advancement and is indeed a powerful tool. However, AI is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution. It's an efficient driver I wouldn’t want to miss out but it’s just one piece if you look at it in the broader scope. In the pursuit of successful digitization, don’t overlook the myriad of opportunities that can drive meaningful change.

Each technology brings its unique strengths and applications, and understanding their potential is crucial for crafting comprehensive digital strategies to meet the evolving needs of your users and stakeholders. Let’s embrace AI with a holistic view.

Image Source: Mindnow

AI is only one part of successful digitalization.

The development of AI – a brief historical perspective

Artificial Intelligence is not a modern invention but has roots reaching back to the mid-20th century. Since its inception, AI has steadily progressed through a series of transformative moments, shaping and reshaping our understanding of intelligence and technology. 


1940–1950: Theoretical foundations

The origins of AI date back to the 1940s when researchers such as Alan Turing and John von Neumann laid the theoretical foundations for the concept of machine intelligence. In the 1950s, the first computer programs that could mimic simple problem-solving were developed.


1950–1960: Emergence of a separate scientific discipline

The term Artificial Intelligence was first used in 1956 at the famous Dartmouth Conference, which is considered the birth of AI as a separate scientific discipline. Later, new approaches to the development of intelligence were explored, including symbolic AI, neural networks, and machine learning.


1970–1980: The rise and fall of AI

AI experienced an initial peak, accompanied by great hopes and investments. However, there were also setbacks and disappointments due to technological limitations and overblown expectations, resulting in so-called “AI winters” when interest and funding for AI research declined.


Since 1990: Revival and advances

With more powerful computers, the availability of large datasets, and advances in machine learning, AI has been experiencing a renaissance from the 1990s onwards. New techniques such as deep learning and neural networks enabled significant progress in areas such as image recognition, language processing, and autonomous systems.

Today, AI is an integral part of many technologies and industries, from virtual assistants to self-driving cars to medical diagnostics. But there are still challenges such as ethical concerns, bias in AI systems, and the impact on jobs and society that need to be addressed.

Read more in our article Is it all AI now? Why emotional intelligence is more important than ever.

Conclusion: AI is not the only way to success

AI undeniably holds a prominent place in today's technological landscape. But remember that it's vital that people remain the core of all digitization efforts. AI with its rich history is just one facet of the broader technological realm. Recognizing the enduring importance of human needs, experiences, and creativity is paramount in navigating the complexities of digital transformation.

If you want to make the most of the power of AI, place people at the center. That’s the way to drive meaningful change and achieve success that is sustainable. Of course, this journey is more challenging than putting a prompt into ChatGPT. But the rewards are well worth the effort!

Involved Minds:
Carina Felsberger
Senior UX WriterInvolved as:Editor