Composable Commerce: The future of webshops will be flexible

Composable commerce is a groundbreaking approach to meet the increasingly demanding requirements of digital commerce. Learn how composable commerce is redefining the digital shopping landscape and how your business can harness the potential of a stunning customer experience.

Composable Commerce. Photo by Kindel Media

Article by


Jakob Kaya

4 min read30 Aug 2024

Revolutionizing the digital commerce landscape

It all started in 1979 when Michael Aldrich connected a television to a computer and created the first rudimentary online shopping system. Today, digital commerce has exploded into a global market worth $4 trillion. From virtual try-on mirrors to curated subscription boxes and augmented reality apps, the once-novel concept of online shopping has evolved into an immersive experience, seamlessly blending the virtual and physical worlds.

But in this race for technological sophistication, consumer expectations are higher than ever. According to recent studies, over 30 % of users abandon websites that load in more than three seconds, and 91 % have made purchases via mobile devices. Customers demand speed, convenience, and personalization – requirements that can only be met with a nimble, modular approach.

What is composable commerce?

Composable commerce is a modular architecture that ditches the rigidity of traditional all-in-one platforms. Instead of being stuck with a monolithic structure where everything is tightly intertwined, businesses can now choose and mix specialized components or Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs) for individual functions like checkout, search, and content management.

Composable commerce is a flexible e-commerce solution for companies. Various specialized components or services can be seamlessly integrated. This makes it easy to adapt webshops to new market requirements and technologies at any time.

PBCs act like adaptable building blocks that are connected through APIs, creating an agile system where you can easily swap components to test new ideas or upgrade technology without overhauling the entire platform. This freedom allows you to craft a unique digital commerce ecosystem that perfectly aligns with your brand identity and business needs.

Examples of Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs)


Product catalog management

This PBC includes all functions for managing the product range:

  • Product Information Management (PIM)

  • Categorization and tagging of products

  • Management of product variants and attributes

  • Pricing and discount campaigns


Order processing

The order processing PBC bundles functions relating to the ordering process:

  • Shopping cart functionality

  • Checkout process

  • Payment processing

  • Order confirmation and tracking


Customer management

This PBC takes care of all customer-related aspects:

  • Customer account management

  • Preferences and consents

  • Customer service and support

  • Loyalty programs


Content management

The Content management PBC provides functions for the creation and management of content:

  • Management of product descriptions

  • Blog and article management

  • Media management (images, videos)

  • Search engine optimization



This PBC enables customers to be addressed individually:

  • Creation of customer segments

  • Personalized product recommendations

  • A/B testing of content

  • Dynamic pricing


Search function

The search PBC optimizes the product search in the online store:

  • Full-text search with auto-completion

  • Faceted search and filter options

  • Ranking and relevance optimization

  • Synonym management


Warehouse and shipping management

This PBC takes care of logistical aspects:

  • Real-time inventory management

  • Calculation of shipping costs

  • Delivery options and tracking

  • Returns management


Analytics and reporting

The Analytics PBC provides key business figures:

  • Turnover and sales statistics

  • Customer behavior and segmentation

  • Conversion tracking

  • Forecasts and trend analyses

Saleor and Storyblok: Powerhouse partners

Composable commerce flourishes through partnerships with flexible, high-performing platforms. Saleor, an API-first and open-source e-commerce platform, provides a powerful engine for building scalable and sophisticated multi-channel applications. Storyblok, a headless CMS, integrates seamlessly with Saleor to give businesses complete creative control over content presentation.

These two platforms, used together, empower marketers and developers to create dynamic and personalized user experiences while providing unmatched speed and flexibility. The combination of Storyblok's live preview system and Saleor's customizable commerce capabilities unlocks the potential for endless innovation.

Saleor and Storyblok: The ultimate toolkit for composable commerce

Real-world Success Stories

Businesses are already using composable commerce to disrupt their industries. Here are two inspiring examples:

Thömus Digital Experience: This high-tech Swiss bicycle manufacturer built a 3D bike configurator with Mindnow, that immerses customers in a hyper-personalized digital journey. Driven by Saleor's e-commerce core and enhanced with AR technology, this platform provides an unparalleled visualization of the customer's customized e-bike, seamlessly integrating every change into the cart and checkout process.

SoFlow e-Scooters: SoFlow partnered with MindNow to create a unified fleet management system that connects every scooter to a digital account. Through the mobile app, users can activate, monitor, and customize their scooters while ordering spare parts or accessories tailored to their specific model—all powered by Saleor’s commerce core.

Is composable commerce right for you?

Composable commerce isn't just for tech giants with limitless budgets. It provides the agility to suit businesses at every stage of digital maturity. For startups or those just beginning their e-commerce journey, it lays a future-proof, cost-efficient foundation. Established businesses can differentiate their brands by experimenting with new revenue models. Larger corporations can streamline their operations and increase efficiency with a flexible stack.

“Don't build a bike with support wheels you can't take off anymore.”
Dean Speer, Product Owner

Conclusion: Flexible, innovative and cost-saving in the long term

Composable Commerce allows you to develop an e-commerce system that is as adaptable as your business needs it to be. By unlocking innovation and reducing risk, it provides the perfect foundation for meeting today's customer expectations and overcoming tomorrow's challenges. After all, you don't want to ride on training wheels forever, do you?